Fly Falcons Fly
2023 Registration
Dates will be May 23rd - 25th and June 14th and 15th. In front of the shed at Prouty Beach. From 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Email forms to juniorfalconsfootball@yahoo.comMail forms to Junior Falcons, P.O. Box 893, Derby, VT 05829. Registration fee is $100
Welcome to
North Country Junior Falcons
The North Country Junior Falcons are all about fun and football. Our coaches train our team to reach their highest potential, and to always have a great time whenever we play. We believe in our team and the family that we become. We encourage sportsmanship and safety. See how you can become part of our family and join us at cool events.
News & Updates
2012 and 2016 NVYFL Division 2 Champions 2019 NVYFL Eastern Champions
About North Country Junior Falcons
Born to Compete
The North Country Junior Falcons have been building great teams who believe in pride, dedication and tradition.